Beispiele für die Verwendung von "Dal" im Italienischen mit Übersetzung "as"

Lingue come il francese, l'italiano e lo spagnolo vengono dal latino. Such languages as French, Italian and Spanish come from Latin.
Proprio quando stava per uscire dal negozio, vide un vestito stupendo in vetrina. Just as she was about to leave the store, she saw a beautiful dress in the window.
Le diverse forme di culto che esistevano nel mondo romano erano tutte considerate dal popolo egualmente vere, dai filosofi egualmente false, e dai pubblici poteri egualmente utili. Perciò la tolleranza provocava non solo indulgenza reciproca, ma anche concordia religiosa. The various modes of worship which prevailed in the Roman world were all considered by the people as equally true; by the philosopher as equally false; and by the magistrate as equally useful. And thus toleration produced not only mutual indulgence, but even religious concord.
Jane era vestita da uomo. Jane was dressed as a man.
Si è travestito da donna. He disguised himself as a woman.
Ci ha fatto da guida. He acted as our guide.
Tom è stato addestrato da medico. Tom was trained as a doctor.
Appena arrivi, prepara qualcosa da mangiare. As soon as you arrive, he will make something to eat.
Fa il diplomatico da molti anni. He worked as a diplomat for many years.
Da bambino imparai molte poesie a memoria. As a child I learned lots of poems by heart.
Saresti così gentile da aprirmi la porta? Would you be so kind as to open the door for me?
Da bambina imparai molte poesie a memoria. As a child I learned lots of poems by heart.
L'alpinista aveva una fame da lupo. The mountaineer was hungry as a wolf.
Sarebbe così gentile da aprirmi la porta? Would you be so kind as to open the door for me?
Da bambino ho imparato molte poesie a memoria. As a child I learned lots of poems by heart.
Da bambina ho imparato molte poesie a memoria. As a child I learned lots of poems by heart.
Dovremmo agire in modo da risolvere il problema. We should so act as to solve the problem.
Come molti di noi, era molto timida da bambina. She was, as many of us were, very shy in her childhood.
Da bambino, mi piaceva di più il baseball del football. As a child, I liked baseball better than football.
I chicchi di grandine erano grandi come palle da tennis. The hailstones were as big as tennis balls.
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