Sentence examples of "Confundí" in Spanish

Te confundí con mi hermano. I mistook you for my brother.
Le confundí con su hermano. I mistook him for his brother.
Te confundí con tu hermano mayor. I mistook you for your brother.
Confundí a Ann con su hermana. I mistook Ann for her sister.
La confundí con la hermana de Ann. I mistook her for Ann's sister.
Te confundí con tu hermana la primera vez que te vi. I mistook you for your sister when I first saw you.
No confundas pecado con delito. Do not mistake sin with crime.
No confundas cometas con asteroides. Don't confuse comets and asteroids.
Su extraño hábito los confundió. His strange habit confounded them.
Lo confundieron con un norteamericano. We mistook him for an American.
No confundas eficacia con eficiencia. Don't confuse "efficacy" with "efficiency".
Cuando tengas dudas di la verdad. Eso confundirá a tus enemigos y asombrará a tus amigos. When in doubt tell the truth. It will confound your enemies and astound your friends.
¿Confundiste la margarina con la mantequilla? Did you mistake the margarine for butter?
No confundas Austria con Australia. Don't confuse Austria with Australia.
Ellos confundieron mi cortesía por amistad. They mistook my politeness for friendship.
Nunca confundas lástima con amor. Never confuse pity with love.
Ella confundió a mi hermano conmigo. She mistook my brother for me.
La explicación confusa me confundió. I was mixed up by the confusing explanation.
Él siempre me confunde con mi hermana. He always mistakes me for my sister.
No confundáis Austria con Australia. Don't confuse Austria with Australia.
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