Sentence examples of "buscado" in Spanish

He buscado en todas partes pero no encuentro mi cartera. I've looked everywhere, but I can't find my wallet.
¿Alguna vez has buscado esta palabra en el diccionario? Have you ever searched this word in the dictionary?
Tom es buscado por el FBI por secuestro. Tom is wanted by the FBI for kidnapping.
No puedo recordar el significado de la palabra que había buscado ayer. I can't remember the meaning of the word that I looked up yesterday.
El hombre que ella sabía estaba buscado por la policía apareció de repente por la puerta de atrás. The man who she knew was wanted by the police suddenly appeared at the back door.
Tom no pudo encontrar a Mary incluso a pesar de que dijo que había buscado en prácticamente todas partes. Tom couldn't find Mary even though he said he looked just about everywhere.
Lo busqué por todos lados. I have looked for it up and down.
Estaba buscando algo que no existía. I was searching for something that didn't exist.
Tom está buscando un trabajo. Tom is seeking a job.
¿Acaso buscas comprar el puesto con tu riqueza? Do you want to buy the position with your wealth?
Cuando íbamos a buscar a Mónica, vimos algo aterrador. When we were on the way to pick up Monica, we saw something frightening.
Busca un cinturón de cuero. He's looking for a leather belt.
Uso Yahoo! para buscar en Internet. I use Yahoo! to search on the internet.
Está buscando un buen trabajo. He is seeking a good job.
Buscas el número 11. Cae delante de la oficina de correos. You want the Number 11. It stops in front of the post office.
La madre busca una niñera. The mother is looking for a babysitter.
Fuimos al bosque a buscar insectos. We went into the woods in search of insects.
Todo el mundo busca la felicidad. Everybody seeks happiness.
No es una esposa lo que busco, sino una amiga para follar. It's not a wife that I want, but a sex friend.
¿Encontraste lo que estabas buscando? Did you find what you were looking for?
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