Beispiele für die Verwendung von "con tal de" im Spanischen

Con tal de que corra, cualquier coche sirve. Any car will do, as long as it runs.
Podemos seguir jugando, con tal de que no hagamos demasiado ruido. We can continue playing, as long as we don't make too much noise.
¿Qué tal de esperar aquí hasta que él regrese? How about waiting here until he gets back?
No te entusiasmes con tal cosa. Don't get excited about such a thing.
Da igual morir que casarse con tal hombre. I might as well die as marry such a man.
¿Qué pasaría si dos países poderosos con diferentes idiomas - tal como los Estados Unidos y China - aceptaran la enseñanza experimental del esperanto en las escuelas primarias? What would happen if two powerful nations with different languages - such as United States and China - would agree upon the experimental teaching of Esperanto in elementary schools?
Al fin y al cabo, la "feminidad" es algo con lo que la mujer está investida naturalmente, no hace falta ningún esfuerzo para enseñarlo, y es de una calidad tal que incluso si uno fuera a hacer intentos conscientes de ocultarlo no conduciría a nada. In the end, "feminity" is something that a woman is naturally furnished with, there is no need to make any effort to show it, and it's a quality such that even if one were to make conscious efforts to hide it, it would lead to nothing.
Tal vez sería mejor que vinieras con nosotros. Maybe you'd better come with us.
Me gustaría trabajar con su compañía. I would like to work with your company.
Tal como se esperaba, él aprobó el examen. He passed the test as was expected.
La horrorizada voz del chico estaba estremecida con el terror. The frightened boy's voice was shaking with terror.
Tal era su orgullo que él no pudo ponerse a ignorar el insulto. Such was his pride that he could not bring himself to ignore the insult.
No dijo nada con respecto a la hora. He said nothing as to the time.
No me atrevo a decirle tal cosa. I don't dare tell him such a thing.
No me casé con él por ser rico. I didn't marry him because he is rich.
Ella no pudo haber hecho tal cosa. She can't have done such a thing.
¡Mi pequeño de tres años realmente está jugando con mi paciencia! My 3 year old is really trying my patience!
Tal vez en otro momento. Maybe some other time.
Dio al centro del blanco con su primer tiro. He hit the center of the target with his first shot.
Lamentamos decirle que no podemos darle tal información. We are sorry to say that we can not give you that information.
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