Sentence examples of "esposas" in Spanish

En algunas sociedades, las esposas se consideran aún la propiedad de sus esposos. In some societies, wives are still considered the property of their husbands.
Había un par de esposas sobre la cama. There was a pair of handcuffs on the bed.
No es un crimen contra Dios en el Islam que un hombre tenga dos o más esposas. It is not crime against God in Islam that a man has two or more wives.
Aristóteles mantuvo que las mujeres tienen menos dientes que los hombres; aunque se casó dos veces, nunca se le ocurrió verificar esta afirmación al examinar las bocas de sus esposas. Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men; although he was twice married, it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths.
Su esposa viene de California. His wife comes from California.
Es una buena esposa. Es fiel. She's a good spouse. She's faithful.
El oficial de policía esposó al sospechoso. The police officer put handcuffs on the suspect.
Ella es una esposa maravillosa. She is a wonderful wife.
Engañar a tu propia esposa no se suele considerar un comportamiento aceptable. Cheating on one's spouse is not usually considered acceptable behavior.
Mi esposa va a matarme. My wife’s going to kill me.
¿Sigues enamorado de tu esposa? Are you still in love with your wife?
Mi esposa es buena cocinera. My wife is a good cook.
Tom tiene una bella esposa. Tom has a beautiful wife.
Mi esposa está intentando dormir. My wife is trying to sleep.
Su esposa le fastidia constantemente. His wife nags him constantly.
Mi esposa murió de cáncer. My wife died of cancer.
Su esposa me enseña italiano. His wife teaches me Italian.
¿Has hablado con tu esposa? Did you speak with your wife?
¿Qué es de tu esposa? What about your wife?
Mary es una esposa trofeo. Mary is a trophy wife.
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