Sentence examples of "sana" in Spanish

Caminar es una forma sana de ejercicio. To walk is a healthy form of exercise.
Se dice que el tiempo sana todas las heridas. It is said that time heals all the wounds.
Él le aconsejó sobre cómo mantenerse sana. She was advised by him on how to stay healthy.
La abuela de Tom parece estar sana. Tom's grandmother looks healthy.
Mayumi es una persona sana. Ella casi nunca se pone enferma. Mayumi is a healthy person. She almost never gets sick.
Mi abuelo está muy sano. My grandfather is very healthy.
Hemos llegado sanos y salvos. We have arrived safe and sound.
La cicatriz se está sanando. The scar is healing.
Russeau era loco pero influyente; Hume era sano pero no tenía seguidores. Rousseau was mad but influential; Hume was sane but had no followers.
Ellos comieron comidas más sanas. They ate healthier foods.
Llegué aquí sano y salvo esta mañana. I have arrived here safe and sound this morning.
La pierna de Tom se está sanando. Tom's leg is healing.
No estoy tan sano como antaño. I'm not as healthy as I used to be.
Para nuestro alivio, él regresó sano y salvo. To our relief, he came back safe and sound.
En la gente mayor, las heridas toman más tiempo en sanar. For the elderly, wounds take more time to heal.
Si comieras menos hamburguesas, probablemente estarías más sano. If you ate fewer burgers, you'd probably be healthier.
Aquellos que escaparon sanos y salvos son afortunados. Lucky are those who have escaped safe and sound.
Tom no está tan sano como solía estar. Tom isn't as healthy as he used to be.
Para mi alivio, vino a casa sano y salvo. To my relief, he came home safe and sound.
A pesar de su edad, él es sano y activo. Old as he is, he is very healthy and active.
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