Sentence examples of "suicidarse" in Spanish

El poeta intentó suicidarse en su estudio. The poet attempted to commit suicide in his study.
Tom no tuvo el valor para suicidarse. Tom didn't have the courage to commit suicide.
Un hombre de pie en el acantilado estaba a punto de suicidarse saltando al vacío. A man standing on the cliff was about to commit suicide by jumping into the void.
Él se suicidó ingiriendo veneno. He committed suicide by taking poison.
Ese hombre no puede haberse suicidado. That man can't have committed suicide.
El periódico dice que se suicidó. The newspaper says that he committed suicide.
Se suicidó para expiar su pecado. He committed suicide to atone for his sin.
Ella se suicidó tirándose de un puente. She committed suicide by jumping off the bridge.
Él se suicidó saltando de un puente. He committed suicide by jumping off a bridge.
El poeta se suicidó en su estudio. The poet committed suicide in his study.
Él se suicidó saltando desde una ventana alta. He committed suicide by jumping out of a high window.
Se suicidará si no puede ver a su hijo. He will commit suicide if he can't see his son.
Una mujer escribió 30 libros sobre cómo ser feliz, y entonces se suicidó. A woman wrote 30 books about how to become happy, and then committed suicide.
Él trató de suicidarse porque había perdido el amor de ella. He tried to kill himself because he lost her love.
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