Sentence examples of "tenido noticias" in Spanish

Al no haber tenido noticias suyas, le volví a escribir. Not having heard from him, I wrote to him again.
Desde entonces no he tenido noticias de él. I have heard nothing from him since then.
Todavía no hemos tenido noticias de Brian. We've had no word from Brian yet.
Ella todavía no ha oído las noticias. She hasn't heard the news yet.
¿Alguna vez has tenido alguna enfermedad grave? Have you ever had a serious illness?
La historia sobre la chica salió en las noticias. The story about the girl was in the news.
Espero que no haya tenido un accidente. I hope he hasn't had an accident.
Él nos trajo noticias tristes. He brought us sad news.
"Ella nunca juzgaría sus propios logros, pero ha tenido éxito consiguiendo lo que se había propuesto hacer en su primer año", dice la fuente. "She would never judge her own accomplishments, but she has succeeded in achieving what she set out to do in her first year," the source said.
Tom lo vio en las noticias. Tom saw it on the news.
He tenido una pesadilla. I had a nightmare.
Tengo malas noticias para ti. I have bad news for you.
Ellos debieron haber tenido una mente noble. They should have a noble mind.
Las malas noticias viajan veloz. Bad news travels fast.
Hemos tenido mucha lluvia este mes. We've had a lot of rain this month.
Tan pronto como Tom estuvo con Mary a solas, le dijo las malas noticias. As soon as Tom got Mary alone, he told her the bad news.
Es inevitable que haya tenido sueño todo el día si anoche no dormí mucho. I didn't sleep much yesterday, so it was inevitable that I was sleepy all day today.
Todos los meses recibo noticias de mi madre. I hear from my mother every month.
Es posible que haya tenido un accidente. It is possible that he has had an accident.
¡Oye, acabo de verlo en las noticias! ¡Rayos, me haces dudar a mis propios ojos! Man, I just saw it on the news! Damn, you're making me doubt my own eyes!
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