Traducción de "Premier inn" al ruso

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Traducciones del diccionario para "Premier inn"

Premier inn sustantivo

Expresiones con "Premier inn" (20)

  1. Edinburgh City Centre Haymarket Premier Inn - Edinburgh City Centre Haymarket Premier Inn
  2. Manchester Airport Runger Lane North Premier Inn - Manchester Airport Runger Lane North Premier Inn
  3. Manchester Airport Runger Lane South Premier Inn - Manchester Airport Runger Lane South Premier Inn
  4. Premier Inn Argyle Street - Premier Inn Argyle Street
  5. Premier Inn Belfast City Cathedral Quarter - Premier Inn Belfast City Cathedral Quarter
  6. Premier Inn Belfast City Centre Alfred Street - Premier Inn Belfast City Centre Alfred Street
  7. Premier Inn Birmingham NEC - Premier Inn Birmingham NEC
  8. Premier Inn Dubai Investments Park - Premier Inn Dubai Investments Park
  9. Premier Inn Dublin Airport - Premier Inn Dublin Airport
  10. Premier Inn Gatwick Airport Central - Premier Inn Gatwick Airport Central

Contextos con "premier inn"

Hungry and thirsty, we at last reached the inn. Голодные и томимые жаждой, мы наконец добрались до гостиницы.
Today's paper reports that the premier has given up the idea of visiting America. В сегодняшней газете написано, что премьер отказался от идеи нанести визит в Америку.
As it was late at night and I was very tired, I put up at an inn. Поскольку была уже поздняя ночь, и я очень устал, я разместился в гостинице.
The premier took his family to neighboring South Africa after saying he received an assassination threat. Премьер увез свою семью в соседнюю Южную Африку, заявив что получил угрозу покушения на свою жизнь.
And the other day the same kind of housewarming took place in the village of Ivanovka in the Petrikovsky district at the inn of Grandma Anya. А на днях такое же новоселье состоялось в селе Ивановка Петриковского района на подворье бабушки Ани.
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