Conjugation and declension of words in Russian

Conjugation of Russian verbs

The Russian language is renowned for its complex grammar. In school courses, as well as in courses of Russian as a foreign language, there are always lots of practical exercises for different tenses, cases, conjugations of Russian verbs. Russian verbs change in forms, numbers, tensesand moods, which is necessary for the correct expression of tense and action. Are you looking for a convenient way to learn the correct forms of Russian verbs? Do you want to finally get the declension rules for Russian nouns, adjectives and numerals?

The Promt.One Conjugator provides you with handy tools. With one click, you can access complete conjugation tables for any Russian verb, containing all the forms in all tenses (past, present, future), persons and moods (indicative, imperative, subjunctive). The service shows the type of conjugation the Russian verb belongs to: whether it is the first conjugation (e.g., давать, надеяться, играть), the second conjugation (кричать, сидеть, лежать) or a heteroclitic verb (бежать, хотеть, дать, есть).

Declension of Russian nouns

Studying declension rules can also be challenging. In Promt.One you can find the declension type and forms of Russian nouns in singular and plural with all cases indicated: 1st declension (бабушка, книга, дядя), 2nd declension (здание, море, огонь), 3rd declension (мышь, дочь, новость), adjectival (будущее, дворецкий, военный), heteroclitic (бремя, дитя, путь) or indeclinable noun (жалюзи, кофе, какаду, мадам). If you use our service, you will spend less time doing your homework in the Russian language, and you will be more confident about the correctness of your answers.

Declension of Russian numerals

Numerals in Russian are also declined to indicate 6 cases.. Promt.One will help you with determining the declension of numerals, you can easily decline any numeral, for example:

- Полтора (One and a half): learn how to decline this form correctly in different cases.
- Девятьсот (Nine hundred): get the full declension table for numerals ending in hundreds.
- Сто двадцать три (One hundred and twenty-three): decline three-digit and longer numerals.

How to get conjugation and declension in Russian?

Enter a Russian verb, noun, adjective or numeral in the search bar. Click on the "conjugate" button. In response, you will instantly receive a table with all the forms. You can request a word both in the infinitive form (строить, стелить, надеяться, книга, здание, путь, новый) and in any other form (сделал, убегай, напишем, окном, друзей, старые). If the word you entered matches several parts of speech (печь, стекло, три, стих), the service will offer all available options.

Promt.One for declension and conjugation of Russian words is a reliable tool that will help you learn and use the Russian language. Try our service today and see for yourself!

Promt.One is a fast and helpful tool for any language learner. Check the conjugation of verbs and see the table of tenses for English, German, Russian, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.