Exemplos de uso de "sätzen" em alemão
Nur "Tom" und "Mike" in vielen Sätzen zu benutzen, ist sehr seltsam.
Using only "Tom" and "Mike" in many sentences is very strange.
Am liebsten würde ich Hunderte von Sätzen in Tatoeba schreiben, aber ich habe zu tun.
I would love to write hundreds of sentences on Tatoeba, but I've got things to do.
Tom wusste genau, dass in all den Sätzen das letzte Wort immer einer zustehen würde: Mary.
Tom knew well that in all the sentences, the last word would always be for Mary.
Tom nörgelte an den Sätzen, die ihn betrafen, herum, während Mary ihr Bestes gab, um sie zu übersetzen.
Tom was quibbling about the sentences concerning him, while Mary was doing her best to translate them.
Bei der Übersetzung von Sätzen bemühe ich mich immer, die Übersetzung dem Originalsatz so ähnlich wie möglich zu gestalten.
I always try, when I'm translating sentences, to make the translation as similar as possible to the original sentence. Since this makes the language learning much easier for the non-native speakers.
Diese trickreiche Mary dachte sich ein Wortspringspiel aus, was eine viel effizientere Methode der Fortbewegung innerhalb von Sätzen war. Auf diese Weise hatte sie schon zwei Wörter übersprungen, wovon ersteres sehr hoch war.
This smart Mary improvised a leapword play, which was a much more efficient method to move inside sentences. This way she had already jumped over two of them, including a very high first one.
Der dritte Satz nimmt liebevoll die Spielweise von Dorfmusikanten auf die Schippe.
The third movement affectionately parodies village musicians and their playing.
Der Satz des Pythagoras sagt, dass das Quadrat der Hypotenuse gleich der Summe der Quadrate der anderen beiden Seiten ist.
Pythagoras' theorem says that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
Os exemplos de uso de palavras em diferentes contextos são dados só para fins linguísticos, ou seja, para estudar o uso de palavras numa língua e as suas traduções para outra. Todos os exemplos são colecionados automaticamente em fontes abertas usando tecnologia de pesquisa de dados bilíngues. Se você encontrar algum erro de ortografia, pontuação ou outro erro no texto original ou na tradução, use a opção "Reportar um erro" ou escreva para nós.
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