Sentence examples of "gain experience" in English

Many lacked political experience. Muchos carecían de experiencia política.
The key question is not what can I gain but what do I have to lose. La pregunta clave no es lo que puedo ganar, sino lo que tengo para perder.
He has a lot of teaching experience. Tiene mucha experiencia como profesor.
You will gain nothing from doing that. No conseguirás nada haciendo eso.
I had a terrible experience. Tuve una experiencia terrible.
Some people gain weight when they quit smoking. Algunas personas engordan cuando dejan de fumar.
I think a part-time job is a good experience. Creo que un trabajo a tiempo parcial es una buena experiencia.
You have little to gain and much to lose. Tienes poco que ganar y mucho que perder.
I decided to try to learn Esperanto, just to make a new experience. Decidí tratar de aprender el esperanto, sólo para la experiencia nueva.
It is difficult to gain access to him. Es difícil acceder a el.
You have no driving experience. No tienes experiencia conduciendo.
Tom doesn't gain weight even though he eats a lot. Tom no sube de peso aunque coma mucho.
It's a wholly new experience for me. Es una experiencia totalmente nueva para mí.
A small gain is better than a great loss. Una pequeña ganancia es mejor que una gran pérdida.
Jane is not capable of learning from experience. Jane no puede aprender de la experiencia.
You risk losing when you want to gain too much. Te arriesgas a perder cuando quieres ganar demasiado.
Do you have professional experience? ¿Tiene experiencia profesional?
I've suddenly started to gain weight. Repentinamente empecé a ganar peso.
Fish do not have the brain development that is necessary for the psychological experience of pain or any other type of awareness. Los peces no tienen el desarrollo mental necesario para la experiencia psicológica del dolor o de cualquier tipo de conciencia.
Of course it's difficult to gain access to the Prime Minister. Por supuesto que es difícil conseguir acceso al Primer Ministro.
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