Exemples d'utilisation de "policial" en portugais avec la traduction "policeman"

Ele se tornou um policial. He became a policeman.
O policial está no carro. The policeman is in the car.
O policial está dirigindo o carro. The policeman is driving the car.
O policial levantou a caixa cuidadosamente. The policeman lifted the box carefully.
O policial liberou-o com uma advertência. The policeman let him off with a warning.
Há um policial no portão da casa. There is a policeman at the gate of the house.
O policial pegou o ladrão pelo braço. The policeman took the thief by the arm.
O ladrão fugiu ao ver um policial. The thief ran away at the sight of a policeman.
O policial fez sinal para que eu parasse. The policeman signed to me to stop.
O policial capturou o homem que estava correndo. The policeman captured the man who was running.
Persuadi o policial a não atirar no macaco. I persuaded the policeman not to shoot the monkey.
No instante em que viu o policial, ele fugiu. The instant he saw the policeman, he ran away.
O policial capturou pelo braço o ladrão em fuga. The policeman caught the fleeing thief by the arm.
O policial separou os dois homens que estavam brigando. The policeman separated the two men who were fighting.
O policial examinou o quarto em busca de evidências. The policeman went over the room in search for evidence.
Eu convenci o policial a não atirar no macaco. I persuaded the policeman not to shoot the monkey.
Um policial assistia a ele com os braços cruzados. A policeman was watching it, with his arms crossed.
Um policial perguntou às garotas se o carro era delas. A policeman asked the girls if the car was theirs.
Os dois policiais também estavam exaustos. The two policemen were exhausted, too.
Os policiais de Nova York usam uniformes azul-escuros. New York City policemen wear dark blue uniforms.
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