Sentence examples of "mucha" in Spanish

No había mucha gente presente. There were not many present.
Papá no come mucha fruta. Father does not eat much fruit.
La máquina genera mucha electricidad. The machine generates a lot of electricity.
Debes tener mucha hambre ahora. You must be very hungry now.
Tengo mucha confianza en vos. I have great faith in you.
Mucha gente famosa viene aquí. Lots of famous people come here.
Se ha reunido mucha gente. Many people have gathered.
Nosotros no tuvimos mucha diversión. We didn't have much fun.
Odio cuando hay mucha gente. I hate it when there are a lot of people.
Todavía no tenemos mucha hambre. We aren't very hungry yet.
El trabajo requiere de mucha paciencia. The work calls for great patience.
Mucha gente partició de la maratón. Lots of people took part in the marathon.
Hay mucha gente en Asia. There are many people in Asia.
La pregunta suscitó mucha controversia. The question excited much controversy.
Mucha gente le estaba esperando. A lot of people were waiting for him.
¡Tengo mucha curiosidad al respecto! I am very curious about it!
Este diccionario te será de mucha ayuda. This dictionary will be of great help to you.
Hay mucha lluvia el año entero. There's lots of rain all year.
¿Visita mucha gente el museo? Is the museum visited by many people?
Hoy ellos comieron mucha ensalada. They've eaten too much salad today.
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