Sentence examples of "trait de son visage" in French

La sueur dégouline de son visage. Sweat is dripping from his face.
J'ai fait un cliché en gros plan de son visage. I took a close shot of her face.
Il essuya la sueur de son visage. He wiped the sweat off his face.
Je me souviens de son visage, mais je ne peux pas me souvenir de son nom. I remember his face but I can't call his name to mind.
Il est plus facile que le ciel et la terre passent, qu'il ne l'est qu'un seul trait de lettre de la loi vienne à tomber. It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law.
Son visage rayonna de joie. Her face beamed with joy.
Elle parle souvent de son fiancé. She often speaks about her fiancé.
Son visage devint blême de peur. His face went white with fear.
Elle pleura la mort de son fils. She wept over her son's death.
Son visage était illuminé de bonheur. His face was enlightened by happiness.
Son revenu annuel est plus important que celui de son frère. His annual income is larger than that his brother's.
À en juger par son visage, il semble qu'il ait réussi. Judging from the look on his face, it seems that he has succeeded.
Il laça la chaussure de son fils en faisant un double nœud et il dit : «Voilà, ça devrait aller comme ça.» He tied his son's shoe with a double knot and said, "There, that should do the trick."
Son visage rayonnait de santé. Her face glowed with health.
Il en avait assez de son travail. He was sick of his job.
Son visage marqua la peur et l'angoisse. His face registered fear and anxiety.
Nous pouvons difficilement vivre de son salaire. We can hardly keep alive on this salary.
Son visage ressemble celui de sa mère. She resembles her mother in face.
Il abuse de son autorité. He abuses his authority.
Son visage s'éclaira. His face brightened.
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