Sentence examples of "Looks" in English

She looks like her aunt. Elle ressemble à sa tante.
My sister often looks after the baby. Ma sœur s'occupe souvent du bébé.
You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks? Tu es en train de dire que tu caches intentionnellement ta beauté ?
He who looks for excuses doesn't have any chances for success. Celui qui cherche des excuses n'a aucune chance de succès.
I think everyone looks back on their childhood with some regret. Je pense que chacun se retourne vers son enfance avec un certain regret.
She looks like her mother. Elle ressemble à sa mère.
My mother looks after the plants well. Ma mère s'occupe bien des plantes.
It looks like an apple. Ça ressemble à une pomme.
Grandmother looks after the children during the day. Grand-mère s'occupe des enfants pendant la journée.
It looks like an egg. Cela ressemble à un oeuf.
My grandmother looks after the children during the daytime. Ma grand-mère s'occupe des enfants durant la journée.
He looks like your brother. Il ressemble à ton frère.
In the absence of her mother, she looks after her sister. En l'absence de sa mère, elle s'occupe de sa sœur.
He looks like his father. Il ressemble à son père.
Nancy looks like my sister. Nancy ressemble à ma grande sœur.
That girl looks like her mother. Cette fille ressemble à sa mère.
The niece looks like her aunt. La nièce ressemble à sa tante.
The school looks like a prison. L'école ressemble à une prison.
His toupee looks like a dead cat. Son postiche ressemble à un chat mort.
Looks like Latin, but it is not. Cela ressemble à du latin, mais n'en est pas.
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