Sentence examples of "be known" in English

That scandal will be known to everybody in the course of time. Ce scandale sera connu de tous un jour.
The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known. On ne peut que connaître le passé, pas le changer. On ne peut que changer le futur, pas le connaître.
How long have you known Jack? Depuis combien de temps connais-tu Jack ?
If only I had known the answer yesterday! Si seulement j'avais su la bonne réponse hier !
She is known as the Japanese Picasso. Elle est connue comme le Picasso japonais.
I have known John since 1976. Je connais John depuis 1976.
The name of the pianist is known to everybody. Le nom du pianiste est connu de tous.
We have known each other since childhood. Nous nous connaissons depuis l'enfance.
Had I known that, I wouldn't have said such a thing to her. Si je l'avais su, je ne lui aurais jamais dit de telles choses.
How many of them survived is not known. Combien d'entre eux ont survécu est incertain.
His name is known to everyone in our town. Son nom est connu de tous dans notre ville.
He's a good man and is known as such to everyone. C'est un homme bon, et il est connu pour ça.
I have known her since she was a child. Je la connais depuis qu'elle était enfant.
It is not known when he came up to London. On ne sait pas quand il est venu à Londres.
The writer is well known to us. L'écrivain nous est connu.
The French are known, among other things, for their chic urbanity. Les Français sont connus, entre autres choses, pour leurs élégantes manières.
He's known for that. Il est connu pour cela.
I've known it all along. Je le savais depuis le début.
I've always known that guys lie when they say that it's the proportions that matter. Je sais depuis toujours que les mecs mentent lorsqu'ils disent que ce sont les proportions qui comptent.
The cause of the fire is not known. La cause de l'incendie est inconnue.
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