Sentence examples of "had" in English

I had a terrible experience. J'ai traversé une épreuve terrible.
She had gone to bed. Elle est partie se coucher.
He had come back from China. Il est revenu de Chine.
Yesterday, we had a blast! Hier, on s'est éclaté !
We had some chicken soup. Nous avons pris un peu de soupe de poulet.
We had some good times. Nous avons passé du bon temps.
We had a little water. Nous disposions d'un peu d'eau.
If only I had known the answer yesterday! Si seulement j'avais su la bonne réponse hier !
I had no notion that you were coming. Je ne pensais pas que vous viendriez.
She stopped sewing and had some tea. Elle cessa de coudre et but du thé.
She had white shoes on. Elle portait des chaussures blanches.
They had no money left. Il ne leur restait plus d'argent.
Living in the country, he rarely had visitors. Comme il vivait à la campagne, il ne recevait quasiment jamais de visite.
I had my watch stolen. Ma montre a été volée.
He had his wallet stolen. Son portefeuille était volé.
This fashion has had its day. Cette mode est surannée.
She had her tooth pulled. Elle s'est fait arracher une dent.
I had my photograph taken. Je me suis fait prendre en photo.
I had a wonderful time. J'ai passé un moment merveilleux.
She had a perfect alibi. Elle disposait d'un alibi parfait.
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