Sentence examples of "surrounding" in English with translation "entourer"

I saw them surrounding him. Je les ai vus l'entourer.
Most castles have a moat surrounding them. Les châteaux sont, en majeure partie, entourés par des douves.
The mystery surrounding his death was played up by the media. Le mystère entourant sa mort fut exagéré par les médias.
The smaller planets hovering around the planet Jupiter reminded him of the guards surrounding a king when he walked outdoors, and Kepler called them satellites. Les planètes plus petites flottant autour de la planète Jupiter lui rappelaient les gardes qui entourent un roi quand il se déplace dehors, et Kepler les appela des satellites.
Japan is surrounded by sea. Le Japon est entouré de mers.
She sat surround by her grandchildren. Elle était assise, entourée de ses petits enfants.
His house is surrounded by trees. Sa maison est entourée d'arbres.
The house was surrounded by fields. La maison est entourée de champs.
He sat surrounded by young girls. Il s'assît entouré par des jeunes filles.
The teacher was surrounded by her students. Le professeur était entourée par ses étudiants.
He likes being surrounded by young people. Il aime être entouré de jeunes.
Surrounded by his children, he began his story. Entouré d'enfants, il commença son histoire.
He was surrounded by a throng of reporters. Il était entouré d'un parterre de journalistes.
The church is surrounded by woods and lakes. L'église est entourée de bois et de lacs.
The garden was surrounded by a wooden fence. Le jardin était entouré par une barrière en bois.
Surrounded by the sea, Japan has a mild climate. Entouré par la mer, le Japon a un climat doux.
Japan is a country surrounded by the sea on all sides. Le Japon est un pays entouré par la mer de tous les côtés.
Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher. Ne vous entourez que de gens qui vont vous élever plus haut.
It's not hard to stand out when you're surrounded by idiots. Il n'est guère difficile de briller quand on est entouré d'idiots.
When we stepped off the bus we were immediately surrounded by a throng of children from the village. Lorsque nous descendîmes de l'autobus, nous fûmes immédiatement entourés par un essaim d'enfants du village.
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