Sentence examples of "that goes without saying" in English

That goes without saying. Cela va sans dire.
It goes without saying that at that time a kind of friendship beyond master and disciple grew between the two of them. Cela va sans dire qu'à ce moment une sorte d'amitié au-delà de la relation maître-disciple grandissait entre eux deux.
While it goes without saying, it would go even better if it was said. Si cela va sans dire, cela ira encore mieux en le disant.
it goes without saying il va sans dire
We will explore every planet that goes around the sun. Nous explorerons toutes les planètes qui tournent autour du soleil.
They went by without saying 'hello'. Ils passèrent sans dire bonjour
Democracy is an idea that goes back to the ancient Greeks. La démocratie est un concept qui remonte aux anciens grecs.
She went out without saying good-bye. Elle s'en alla sans dire au revoir.
Don't leave without saying goodbye. Ne pars pas sans dire au revoir.
He left without saying goodbye. Il est parti sans dire au revoir.
She went out without saying a word. Elle sortit sans dire un mot.
She left the room without saying a word. Elle a quitté la pièce sans mot dire.
She hung up without saying good-bye. Elle a raccroché sans même dire au revoir.
How could you just walk out the door without saying goodbye? Comment as-tu pu sortir sans même dire au revoir ?
He went out without saying a word. Il sortit sans dire un mot.
He went out of the room without saying any words. Il est sorti de la pièce sans dire un mot.
I ran away without saying anything because I didn't want to lose our love. Je me suis sauvé sans rien dire puisque je ne voulais pas perdre notre amour.
Don't go off without saying good-by. Ne sors pas sans dire au revoir.
He went out without saying good-by. Il est parti sans dire au revoir.
Without saying goodbye, he disappeared into the crowd. Sans dire au revoir, il disparut dans la foule.
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