Sentence examples of "told" in English

She told him to study. Elle lui enjoignit d'étudier.
He told us a lie. Il nous a menti.
Who told you the news? Qui t'a conté les nouvelles ?
She cannot have told a lie. Elle ne peut pas avoir menti.
Nancy cannot have told a lie. Nancy ne peut pas avoir menti.
I told him about our school. Je lui ai parlé de notre école.
The dish told on my stomach. Le plat m'est resté sur l'estomac.
He may have told a lie. Il a peut-etre menti.
He told me all the details. Il me donna tous les détails.
I told a lie against my will. J'ai menti contre mon gré.
Have you told anyone about this problem? As-tu signalé ce problème à qui que ce soit ?
He seems to have told a lie. Il semblerait qu'il ait menti.
Mother told me to mow the lawn. Ma mère m'a demandé de tondre la pelouse.
He told me about it in private. Il m'en parla en privé.
Have you been told about the problem? T'a-t-on parlé du problème ?
He told me his life's story. Il me conta l'histoire de sa vie.
She may have told me a lie. Elle a pu me mentir.
She told me a wrong address on purpose. Elle a fait exprès de me donner une adresse erronée.
She told him that her father had died. Elle lui annonça que son père était décédé.
They concluded that he had told a lie. Ils arrivèrent à la conclusion qu'il avait menti.
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