Sentence examples of "likes" in English

Hanako likes cake very much. Hanako mag sehr gerne Kuchen.
Tom likes to play baseball. Tom spielt gern Baseball.
My brother likes horror movies. Mein Bruder mag Horrorfilme.
He likes to watch TV. Er sieht gern fern.
She likes animals, you know? Sie mag Tiere, weißt du?
She likes to walk alone. Sie geht gern allein spazieren.
Hanako likes cake a lot. Hanako mag Kuchen sehr.
He likes to read newspapers. Er liest gern Zeitungen.
My father likes strong coffee. Mein Vater mag starken Kaffee.
Tom likes cooking for Mary. Tom kocht gern für Mary.
My daughter likes egg yolks. Meine Tochter mag das Eigelb.
She really likes writing poems. Sie schreibt sehr gern Gedichte.
He likes ham and eggs. Er mag Schinken und Eier.
She likes to read books. Sie liest gern Bücher.
He likes geography and history. Er mag Erdkunde und Geschichte.
He likes to explore underground caves. Er erkundet gern unterirdische Höhlen.
I know who likes Sachiko. Ich weiß, wer Sachiko mag.
Ellen likes to play tennis, too. Ellen spielt auch gern Tennis.
She likes all of us. Sie mag uns alle.
Tom likes taking walks with Mary. Tom geht gern mit Mary spazieren.
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