Sentence examples of "likes" in English with translation "mögen"

Hanako likes cake very much. Hanako mag sehr gerne Kuchen.
My brother likes horror movies. Mein Bruder mag Horrorfilme.
She likes animals, you know? Sie mag Tiere, weißt du?
Hanako likes cake a lot. Hanako mag Kuchen sehr.
My father likes strong coffee. Mein Vater mag starken Kaffee.
My daughter likes egg yolks. Meine Tochter mag das Eigelb.
He likes ham and eggs. Er mag Schinken und Eier.
He likes geography and history. Er mag Erdkunde und Geschichte.
I know who likes Sachiko. Ich weiß, wer Sachiko mag.
She likes all of us. Sie mag uns alle.
He likes music very much. Er mag Musik sehr.
What he likes is jelly. Es ist Wackelpeter was er mag.
He likes music a lot. Er mag Musik sehr.
He likes his coffee black. Er mag seinen Kaffee schwarz.
My father likes his job. Mein Vater mag seinen Job.
He really likes traveling a lot. Er mag das Reisen wirklich gerne.
She likes oranges, doesn't she? Sie mag Orangen, oder?
He likes to build model planes. Er mag es, Modellflugzeuge zu bauen.
"She likes music." "So do I." "Sie mag Musik." "Ich auch."
He really likes music a lot. Er mag Musik wirklich sehr gern.
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