Sentence examples of "Had" in English with translation "fare"

He had his hair cut. Si è fatto tagliare i capelli.
You had better start at once. Faresti meglio a cominciare immediatamente.
Tom had nothing to do yesterday. Tom non aveva niente da fare ieri.
She had nothing to do yesterday. Non aveva nulla da fare ieri.
You had better tell him the truth. Faresti bene a dirgli la verità.
You had better have your car washed. Faresti bene a far lavare la macchina.
I had no idea what to do. Non ho idea di che cosa fare.
Mike had his teeth checked last week. Mike si è fatto controllare i denti la settimana scorsa.
You had better put on a raincoat. Faresti meglio a metterti l'impermeabile.
You had better not eat too much. Faresti bene a non mangiare troppo.
You had better take a little rest. Faresti bene a riposarti un po'.
You did what you had to do. Hai fatto quello che dovevi fare.
You had better go to the infirmary. Faresti bene ad andare all'infermeria.
You had better go to bed now. Faresti meglio ad andare a dormire ora.
You had better take your umbrella in case. Faresti meglio a portarti l'ombrello.
I had to do everything on my own. Ho dovuto fare tutto per conto mio.
I think you had better call on him. Penso che faresti bene a chiamarlo.
You had better avail yourself of this opportunity. Faresti meglio ad approfittare di questa opportunità.
We had our photo taken on the beach. Ci siamo fatti fare una foto in spiaggia.
Tom had a chance to travel to Boston. Tom ha avuto occasione di fare un viaggio a Boston.
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