Sentence examples of "has to" in English

Tom has to cook dinner tonight. Tom deve cucinare la cena stasera.
Tom has to lose weight. Tom deve perdere peso.
The seven questions that an engineer has to ask himself are: who, what, when, where, why, how and how much. Le sette domande che deve farsi un ingegnere sono: chi, cosa, quando, dove, perché, come e quanto.
Everyone has to learn the words by heart. Tutti devono imparare le parole a memoria.
Tom doesn't want to study French, but he has to. Tom non vuole studiare il francese, ma deve.
In order to study computational linguistics it's necessary to know various languages, however, one also has to be familiar with the use of computers. Per poter studiare la linguistica computazionale è necessario conoscere varie lingue, inoltre bisogna essere pratici nell'utilizzo dei computer.
Tom has to be careful about what he eats. Tom deve fare attenzione a quello che mangia.
Tom has to fill out these forms. Tom deve compilare questi moduli.
Tom has to meet Mary in the park tomorrow at 2:30. Tom deve incontrare Mary al parco domani alle 2:30.
She has to pay for the book. Deve pagare per il libro.
Japan has to import most of its raw materials. Il Giappone deve importare la maggior parte delle sue materie prime.
Tom has to pay for everything. Tom deve pagare per tutto.
Every student has to leave school by six. Ogni studente deve lasciare la scuola alle sei.
Tom has to protect himself. Tom deve proteggere sé stesso.
Tom has to go on a diet. Tom deve cominciare una dieta.
Tom has to look for a job. Tom deve cercar lavoro.
Who wants to find pearls, has to dive deep. Chi vuole cercare perle deve immergersi in profondità.
The tartar has to be removed. Il tartaro dev'essere rimosso.
It has to be ready by the fifteenth. Deve essere pronto entro il quindici.
Tom has to confess his crime. Tom deve confessare il delitto.
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