Sentence examples of "With" in English with translation "de"

Her eyes were shining with joy. Os seus olhos brilhavam de alegria.
Please fill this bottle with water. Por favor, encha essa garrafa de água.
The sky was filled with stars. O céu estava cheio de estrelas.
Mary's eyes were filled with tears. Os olhos de Mary estavam cheios de lágrimas.
You look nice with your hair short. Você fica bem de cabelo curto.
Is anything wrong with you? Tem algo de errado com você?
What's wrong with me? O que há de errado comigo?
Immensity fills me with light. A imensidão me enche de luz.
She went crazy with fear. Ela ficou fora de si de tanto medo.
He was covered with sweat. Ele estava coberto de suor.
I furnished him with food. Eu o abasteci de comida.
Fill a glass with water. Encha um copo de água.
Tom shook hands with Mary. Tom apertou a mão de Mary.
He is angry with you. Ele está com raiva de você.
She was overcome with happiness. Ela estava transbordando de felicidade.
Help each other with homework. Ajudem um ao outro com o dever de casa.
Activity Associated with User IDs Atividade associada com a identificação de usuário
The sky is covered with clouds. O céu está coberto de nuvens.
The room is cluttered with newspapers. A sala está amontoada de jornais.
You have to deal with impatience! Você tem de lidar com a impaciência!
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