Sentence examples of "as much as" in English

Women today drink as much as men. Hoje as mulheres bebem tanto quanto os homens.
I work as much as you. Eu trabalho tanto como você.
The white ball weighs as much as the red ball. A bola branca pesa tanto quanto a bola vermelha.
The English love the unicorn as much as they love the lion. Os ingleses amam o unicórnio tanto quanto amam o leão.
I don't eat as much meat as I used to. Não como mais tanto quanto eu costumava.
Few things give us as much pleasure as music. Poucas coisas nos dão tanto prazer quanto a música.
I don't have as much money as he does. Eu não tenho tanto dinheiro quanto ele.
Last year, I couldn't spend as much time with my children as I wanted to. Ano passado, eu não pude passar tanto tempo com meus filhos quanto eu queria.
Take as much as you like. Pegue o quanto quiser.
Eat as much as you like. Coma o quanto quiser.
Grab as much as you need. Pegue o tanto que precisar.
He earns twice as much as me. Ele ganha o dobro do que eu ganho.
He earns three times as much as I. Ele ganha três vezes mais que eu.
We are doing as much as we can Nós estamos fazendo o máximo que podemos
My brother eats twice as much as I do. Meu irmão come o dobro do que eu como.
He earns three times as much as I do. Ele ganha três vezes mais que eu.
If it's free, get as much as you can. Se for de graça, pegue o quanto você puder.
He paid as much as a million dollars for the painting. Ele pagou algo como um milhão de dólares pela pintura.
We learned as much as possible about their culture before visiting them. Nós aprendemos o máximo possível sobre a cultura deles antes de visitá-los.
As much as I tried, I never managed to beat the final boss. Por mais que eu tivesse tentado, não conseguia vencer o inimigo final.
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