Sentence examples of "was" in English with translation "fazer"

Tom did what he was told. Tom fez o que lhe foi dito.
I only did as I was told. Eu só fiz como me disseram.
The one who did it was Éamonn. O que fez aquilo foi o Éamonn.
In the morning it was very cold. Pela manhã fazia muito frio.
It was not long before she came. Não faz muito tempo que ela chegou.
I was kept waiting nearly half an hour. Me fizeram esperar quase meia hora.
My boss was satisfied with what I did. Meu chefe ficou satisfeito com o que eu fiz.
I was made to wait for over 30 minutes. Fizeram-me esperar por mais de meia hora.
What was she doing when she made that blunder? O que ela estava fazendo quando fez aquela cagada?
The heat was responsible for the meat going bad. O calor fez com que a carne estragasse.
They led me to believe that there was no danger. Eles me fizeram pensar que não havia perigo.
I became friends with him while I was in Taiwan. Fiz amizade com ele enquanto estava em Taiuã.
Everybody knows for sure that it was he who did it. Todos sabem que foi ele quem fez isso.
She was at a loss what to wear for the party. Ela não fazia ideia do que vestir para a festa.
Nobody will believe how sorry I was for what I'd done. Ninguém vai acreditar no quanto eu lamentei por tudo o que eu havia feito.
Beth was asked by her lazy boyfriend to do his history homework. O namorado preguiçoso de Beth pediu a ela que fizesse o seu trabalho de história.
Tom was able to make himself understood in French when he visited Paris. Tom conseguiu se fazer entender em francês quando visitou Paris.
There was something about that house that made her stop and look again. Havia algo naquela casa que a faz parar e olhar novamente.
I had no idea that Tom was going to leave me his estate. Eu não fazia ideia de que Tom iria deixar para mim suas posses.
What are you doing tomorrow? O que você vai fazer amanhã?
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