Sentence examples of "Everyone" in English

Everyone agreed with this idea. Todos concordaron con esta idea.
Everyone deserves a second chance. Todo el mundo se merece una segunda oportunidad.
Everyone in the girls' class brought her lunch. Todas en la clase de las mujeres trajeron su almuerzo.
Everyone to their own taste Cada uno a su propio gusto
Everyone but Tom was there. Todos estaban presentes excepto Tom.
Everyone has what he deserves. Todo el mundo tiene lo que se merece.
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. Todo ser humano tiene derecho, en todas partes, al reconocimiento de su personalidad jurídica.
The world is a grand ball in which everyone wears a mask. El mundo es un gran baile en el que cada uno lleva una máscara.
He's mad at everyone. Él está enfadado con todos.
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Todo el mundo tiene fortalezas y debilidades.
Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. Toda persona acusada de delito tiene derecho a que se presuma su inocencia mientras no se pruebe su culpabilidad, conforme a la ley y en juicio público en el que se le hayan asegurado todas las garantías necesarias para su defensa.
Everyone thinks the same way. Todos piensan lo mismo.
"Everyone makes mistakes..." "Especially idiots!" "Todo el mundo comete errores..." "¡Sobre todo los idiotas!"
It's different for everyone. Es diferente para todos.
Everyone is free to contribute. Todo el mundo puede contribuir.
Almost everyone arrived on time. Casi todos llegaron a tiempo.
Don't worry, everyone makes mistakes. No te preocupes, todo el mundo comete un error.
Tom didn’t tell everyone. Tom no se lo dijo a todos.
Everyone always speaks well of Tony. Todo el mundo habla siempre bien de Tony.
Not everyone likes that book. No a todos les gustas ese libro.
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