Sentence examples of "Have" in English with translation "haber"

Have you travelled anywhere recently? ¿Has viajado a alguna parte últimamente?
You have not seen her. No la has visto.
Have you finished your work? ¿Has terminado tu trabajo?
They have taken her away. Ellos se la han llevado.
Have you already forgotten me? ¿Ya me has olvidado?
I have lost my key. He perdido la llave.
You have forgotten your change. Se ha dejado el cambio.
All efforts have been unavailing. Todos los esfuerzos han sido en vano.
Things have become so expensive! ¡Todo se ha puesto tan caro!
Have you ever called Taninna? ¿Has llamado alguna vez a Taninna?
Computers have invaded every field. Los computadores han invadido todos los campos.
The boys have gone north. Los chicos han ido al monte.
Have you ever done it? ¿Lo has hecho alguna vez?
He may have already departed. Puede que ya se haya ido.
I must have forgotten it. Se me debe haber olvidado.
You have been good soldiers. Han sido buenos soldados.
We have always been friends. Siempre hemos sido amigos.
I have won the game. He ganado la partida.
Why have you abandoned me? ¿Por qué me has abandonado?
She cannot have said that. Ella no pudo haber dicho eso.
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