Sentence examples of "Have" in English with translation "haberse"

We should have gotten married. Debimos habernos casado.
You should have stood up. Deberías haberte alzado.
I should have left earlier. Debería haberme ido antes.
Tom should have married Mary. Tom debería haberse casado con Mary.
You should have introduced yourself. Deberías haberte presentado a ti mismo.
Tom should have left earlier. Tom debería haberse ido antes.
You need not have hurried. No necesitabas haberte apresurado.
I believed to have become immortal. Creía haberme vuelto inmortal.
Tom must have spent a fortune. Tom debe de haberse gastado una fortuna.
You should have listened to me. Deberías haberme escuchado.
He can't have heard you. Él no puede haberte oído.
I must have expressed myself badly. Debo de haberme expresado mal.
I must have caught a cold. Debo haberme cogido un resfriado.
She might have met him yesterday. Ella podría haberse encontrado ayer con él.
I feel fortunate to have known you. Me siento dichoso de haberte conocido.
That man can't have committed suicide. Ese hombre no puede haberse suicidado.
I am sorry to have troubled you. Disculpame por haberte molestado.
I hope that I have not offended you. Espero no haberte ofendido.
I shouldn't have gotten up so early. No debí haberme levantado tan temprano.
You must have me confused with someone else. Debes haberme confundido con alguien más.
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