Sentence examples of "Never" in English

I never asked your advice. Yo nunca te pedí que me aconsejaras.
He never breaks his promise. Él jamás rompe sus promesas.
Tom never jokes about money. Tom nunca bromea acerca del dinero.
He has never hurt anyone. Él jamás ha lastimado a nadie.
She has never visited him. Ella no le ha visitado nunca.
Tom has never met Mary. Tom jamás ha visto a Mary.
I've never been abroad. Nunca he estado en el extranjero.
They never tell a lie. Ellos jamás mienten.
You never change, do you? ¿No cambias nunca, o qué?
We will never forget about you. Jamás nos olvidaremos de vos.
Tom almost never eats breakfast. Tom no desayuna casi nunca.
He will never admit his fault. Ella jamás admitirá su error.
Tom has never been sick. Tom nunca estuvo enfermo.
They never returned to their country. Ellos jamás regresaron a su país.
She has never seen him. Ella nunca le ha visto.
Never tell me a lie again. Jamás vuelvas a decirme una mentira.
Tom never loses his cool. Tom nunca pierde su calma.
I never imagined anything like this. Jamás me imaginé una cosa así.
Tom is never on time. Tom no llega nunca a tiempo.
He never seemed to accomplish anything. Él jamás parecía lograr nada.
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