Sentence examples of "Orders" in English

We must execute his orders. Debemos cumplir sus órdenes.
Tom refuses to take orders from Mary. Tom se rehúsa a recibir ordenes de Mary.
Orders for the book poured in. Recibieron muchos pedidos para el libro.
Soldiers must carry out their orders. Los soldados deben cumplir sus órdenes.
I will sell the boat in accordance with your orders. Venderé el barco según tus ordenes.
We have received many orders from the U.S. Hemos recibido muchos pedidos de EE.UU.
I have to obey his orders. Tengo que obedecer sus órdenes.
Every time he comes here, he orders the same dish. Siempre que viene pide lo mismo para comer.
You don't give orders here. Vos no das órdenes aquí.
The Italian language dies a little every time an anglophone orders "a panini". El italiano muere un poquito cada vez que un anglófono pide un "panini".
Don't ask questions, just follow orders. No hagas preguntas, solo sigue órdenes.
Hull was given immediate orders to invade Canada. A Hull se le dieron órdenes inmediatas de invadir Canadá.
I must request you to obey my orders. Debo pedirte que obedezcas mis órdenes.
They didn't come in spite of my orders. A pesar de mis órdenes, no vinieron.
They made sure that these orders were carried out. Ellos se aseguraron de que estas órdenes se cumplieran.
Before you give orders, you must learn to obey. Antes de dar órdenes, debes aprender a obedecer.
Don't defy their orders, just limit yourself to obey. No desafíes sus órdenes, sólo limítate a obedecer.
Jessie gave orders that Alex was to be treated well. Jessie dio órdenes de que Alex debía ser tratado bien.
All you have to do is to obey my orders. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es obedecer mis órdenes.
I did that work on the orders of my boss. Hice ese trabajo bajo las órdenes de mi jefe.
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