Sentence examples of "To each his own" in English

To each his own passion. Cada uno con su pasión.
To each his own. A cada uno lo suyo.
To each group of people its language, and a second, common to all. Para cada pueblo su idioma, y un segundo común a todos.
Tom did it in his own way. Tom lo hizo a su manera.
The father and the son are very similar to each other. El padre y su hijo se parecen mucho.
The soldier saved his friend at the cost of his own life. El soldado ofreció su propia vida para salvar la de su amigo.
Deaf people often talk to each other using sign language. Los sordos suelen hablarse entre ellos usando lenguaje de señas.
It was his own fault. Fue su propia culpa.
I don't know what went on last night, but they're not speaking to each other this morning. No sé qué pasó anoche, pero ellos no se hablaban esta mañana.
He had to pay his own debts. Él debía pagar sus propias deudas.
We talked to each other for a while. Hablamos durante un momento.
He repairs his own car. Él repara su propio coche.
It took them some time to get used to each other. Les llevó algo de tiempo acostumbrarse el uno al otro.
Poverty had taught him to stand on his own feet. La pobreza le ha enseñado a vivir por su cuenta.
Tom and Mary speak to each other in English. Tom y Mary hablan entre ellos en inglés.
My grandfather used to make his own furniture. Mi abuelo se hacía sus propios muebles.
You see, when you have just started a relationship you want to be close to each other don't you? Verán, cuando acaban de comenzar una relación amorosa quieren estar juntos el uno al otro, ¿o no?
I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness. Yo pienso que el diablo no existe, sino que le ha creado el hombre, le ha creado a su imagen y semejanza.
I have Japanese and Chinese friends who speak to each other in English since that is the only language they have in common. Yo tengo amigos japoneses y chinos que se hablan entre ellos en inglés dado que esa es la única lengua que tienen en común.
In his speech he cast aspersions on all religions except his own. En su discurso, él dijo cosas entre letras dirigidas a todas las religiones excepto la suya propia.
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