Sentence examples of "Were" in English with translation "parar"

We were running to and fro. Corríamos de un lado para otro.
My hands were shaking too much to thread the needle. Mis manos temblaban demasiado para enhebrar la aguja.
To make matters worse, there were signs of a fearful storm. Para empeorar las cosas, se avecinaba una tremenda tormenta.
All that was left to our country were regrets and miseries. No quedaron para nuestro país sino lamentos y miserias.
While we were discussing the situation, Terri broke in to give her opinion. Mientras discutíamos la situación, Terri nos interrumpió para dar su opinión.
A biochemist gathers mutants for everything as if they were ingredients for a recipe. El bioquímico reúne mutantes para todo como si se trataran de ingredientes de una receta.
Sadako's friends wanted to build a monument to her and all children who were killed by the atomic bomb. Los amigos de Sadako querían construir un monumento para ella y todos los niños que murieron por la bomba atómica.
Are you ready to go? ¿Listo para salir?
These kids are always restless. Estos niños no paran nunca.
They are leaving for London. Salen para Londres.
It is good for nothing. Eso no sirve para nada.
To see is to believe. Ver para creer.
When is the baby due? ¿Para cuándo esperas el bebé?
Her dress was very unbecoming. Su vestido no le convenía para nada.
And history was changed forever. Y la historia cambió para siempre.
How long are you going for? ¿Para cuánto tiempo vas?
Are you old enough to vote? ¿Tenés edad para votar?
We elected him to be mayor. Lo elegimos para alcalde.
To be on time, I ran. Corrí para llegar a tiempo.
What is this object used for? ¿Para qué se utiliza este objeto?
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