Sentence examples of "almost never" in English
She almost never does what she says she's going to do.
Ella casi nunca hace lo que dice que va a hacer.
People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.
Gente que quiere compartir sus creencias religiosas contigo casi nunca quiere que tú compartas las tuyas con ellos.
Tom almost never forgets to send his mother a Mother's Day card.
Tom no se olvida casi nunca de enviarle una tarjeta del Día de la Madre a su madre.
Tom almost never forgets to send his mother a Mother's Day greeting card.
Tom no se olvida casi nunca de enviarle una tarjeta del Día de la Madre a su madre.
Mayumi is a healthy person. She almost never gets sick.
Mayumi es una persona sana. Ella casi nunca se pone enferma.
I almost lose my life to save her, but she never admitted it.
Casi pierdo mi vida para salvarla, pero ella nunca lo reconoció.
Tom boasts of never having been defeated in a horse race.
Tom se jacta de nunca haber sido derrotado en una carrera a caballo.
Almost all of Tom's ex-wives still talk to him.
Casi todas las ex-mujeres de Tom todavía se hablan con él.
If throughout your life you abstain from murder, theft, fornication, perjury, blasphemy, and disrespect toward your parents, your church, and your king, you are conventionally held to deserve moral admiration even if you have never done a single kind or generous or useful action.
Si en toda tu vida te abstienes de asesinar, robar, fornicar, cometer perjurio, blasfemar y faltar al respeto a tus padres, tu iglesia o tu rey, eres convencionalmente considerado alguien que merece admiración moral, incluso si no has realizado ninguna acción generosa o amable o útil.
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