Sentence examples of "appealed" in English

The lawyer appealed to the jury's sense of justice. El abogado apeló al sentido de la justicia del jurado.
Does the idea appeal to you? ¿Te atrae la idea?
We must appeal to public opinion about the matter. Debemos apelar a la opinión pública respecto al asunto.
Television has a great appeal for him. La televisión lo atrae mucho.
We should appeal to reason instead of resorting to violence. Deberíamos apelar al sentido común en vez de recurrir a la violencia.
Nuclear power plants don't appeal to everybody. Las plantas de energía nuclear no atraen a todo el mundo.
Between you and me, Tom's idea doesn't appeal to me very much. Entre tú y yo, la idea de Tom no me atrae demasiado.
We appealed to our teacher to go more slowly. Le pedimos a nuestro profesor que fuera más despacio.
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