Sentence examples of "during" in English with translation "durante"

Translations: all175 durante122 other translations53
Tom took notes during class. Tom tomó notas durante la clase.
No admittance during the performance. No se permite la entrada durante la función.
Tom changes channels during commercials. Tom cambia de canal durante los comerciales.
They talked during the movie. Ellos hablaban durante la película.
Bears hibernate during the winter. Los osos hibernan durante el invierno.
He stayed there during the vacation. Se quedó allí durante las vacaciones.
He was hanged during the Revolution. Él fue ahorcado durante la revolución.
The appetite comes during a meal El apetito viene durante una comida
He kept silent during the meeting. Él guardó silencio durante la reunión.
They work only during the day. Trabajan solamente durante el día.
Cockroaches hide themselves during the day. Las cucarachas se esconden durante el día.
Lightning can occur during a storm. Pueden haber rayos durante una tormenta.
He kept silent during the meal. Permaneció en silencio durante la comida.
Tom passed away during the night. Tom murió durante la noche.
My mother died during my absence. Mi madre murió durante mi ausencia.
He remained silent during the meeting. Estuvo callado durante la reunión.
Please conserve water during the summer. Por favor conserva agua durante el verano.
The Constitution was proclaimed during the dictatorship. La constitución fue proclamada durante la dictadura.
Students must keep silent during a class. Los estudiantes deben guardar silencio durante la clase.
She died of thirst during the drought. Murió de sed durante la sequía.
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