Sentence examples of "finding" in English with translation "encontrar"

Finding his office was easy. Encontrar su oficina fue sencillo.
They had trouble finding the place. Sufrieron para encontrar el lugar.
The police left without finding anything. La policía se fue sin encontrar nada.
I had no trouble finding his office. No me costó encontrar su oficina.
Finding an optimal solution isn't trivial. Encontrar una solución óptima no es trivial.
I had some trouble in finding his house. Me costó encontrar su casa.
He is always finding fault with other people. Siempre encuentra fallos en la gente.
Tom had some trouble finding Mary's house. Tom tuvo algunos problemas para encontrar la casa de Mary.
I had some trouble finding her house yesterday. Me costó algo de trabajo encontrar su casa ayer.
Finding an optimal solution will take some time. Encontrar una solución óptima demorará un tiempo.
I had a hard time finding his house. Me costó encontrar su casa.
He had no difficulty in finding the place. No tuvo ninguna dificultad en encontrar el lugar.
Did you have any difficulty in finding my house? ¿Tuviste alguna dificultad para encontrar mi casa?
He had difficulty in finding his way to the hotel. Él tuvo dificultad para encontrar el camino hacia el hotel.
Peter succeeded in finding the lost sheep thanks to its bleating. Pedro consiguió encontrar a la oveja extraviada gracias a sus balidos.
Resolving a differential equation means finding the functions that satisfies it. Resolver una ecuación diferencial significa encontrar la función que la satisface.
Finding a decent man is more difficult than winning a lottery. Encontrar un hombre honesto es más difícil que ganar la lotería.
Finding the optimal for a numerical function can be an important challenge. Encontrar el óptimo de una función numérica puede ser un desafío importante.
She didn't have much difficulty finding out the answer to the problem. Ella no tuvo muchas dificultades para encontrar la respuesta al problema.
It won't be easy finding someone who is qualified to take his place. No será sencillo encontrar a alguien calificado para sustituirlo.
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