Sentence examples of "going" in English

There is no going back. No hay vuelta atrás.
I am going up the stairs. Estoy subiendo las escaleras.
She basically said that, without going into details. Ella dijo básicamente eso, para no entrar en detalles.
It's probably the illness that's going around. Probablemente es la enfermedad que anda suelta.
She used to pray before going to bed. Ella solía rezar antes de acostarse.
The quality of rice is going down. La calidad del arroz está disminuyendo.
With the heirless king going crazy and royal family poisoned, the general of the army finally had his chance to usurp the throne. Con el rey sin heredero volviéndose loco y la familia real envenenada, el general del ejército finalmente tuvo su oportunidad de usurpar el trono.
How about going for a walk after lunch? ¿Qué tal si damos un paseo después del almuerzo?
we are definitely going back volvemos definitivamente
She's going up the rock. Ella se sube arriba de la roca.
We will have to take off our shoes before going in. Tendremos que quitar nuestros zapatos antes de entrar.
we will not be going back no volveremos
The value of the dollar is going up. El valor del dólar está subiendo.
Tomorrow our professor is going back to England. Mañana nuestro profesor vuelve a Inglaterra.
The cost of gasoline keeps on going up. El coste de la gasolina sigue subiendo.
Tom told Mary that he would be quitting his job and going back to Boston. Tom le dijo a Mary que renunciaría a su trabajo y volvería a Boston.
As it is, prices are going up every week. La verdad es que los precios están subiendo cada semana.
I'm going there now. Ahora mismo vengo de allí.
There's something going on. Algo está sucediendo.
He gave up going abroad. Él ha renunciado a viajar al extranjero.
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