Sentence examples of "head over heels" in English

Tom is head over heels in love with Mary. Tom está locamente enamorado de Mary.
He's head over heels in love. Está enamorado hasta la médula.
The neighbor popped his head up over the wall for a moment. El vecino asomo un instante su cabeza por encima del muro.
That's over my head Esto es sobre mi cabeza
Since I'm not so good at swimming, I avoid swimming in water that's over my head. Como no soy bueno nadando, evito sumergirme por sobre la cabeza.
And if he keeps messing with me I'll cut his head off! ¡Y si me sigue hinchando le corto la cabeza!
Tom doesn't like girls who wear high heels. A Tom no le gustan las chicas que usan tacos altos.
Those who choose not to read have no advantage over those who can't read. Aquellos que eligen no leer no tienen ninguna ventaja sobre aquellos que no saben leer.
I was called into the office first, my name being at the head of the list. Me llamaron a la oficina primero, estando mi nombre a la cabeza de la lista.
She wears high heels to make herself look taller. Lleva zapatos de tacón para parecer más alta.
Look at the large building over there. Mira aquel gran edificio.
He laid his head on the pillow. Él apoyó la cabeza en la almohada.
I've sat on my heels for so long my legs have fallen asleep. He estado sentado sobre mis talones durante tanto tiempo que mis piernas se han quedado dormidas.
Her blood flowed over her chest. Su sangre escurría por su pecho.
When I was a teenager I had lots of hair on my head and none on my chest. Now it's just the opposite. Cuando era un adolescente tenía mucho pelo en la cabeza y nada en el pecho. Ahora es justo lo contrario.
The opera ain't over till the fat lady sings. La ópera no termina hasta que cante la señora gorda.
He stared at me from head to foot. Me miró de pies a cabeza.
Thanks for coming over tonight. Gracias por venir esta noche.
The ball hit him on the left side of the head. La pelota le pegó en el lado izquierdo de la cabeza.
She took over the business after her husband died. Ella se hizo cargo del negocio después de la muerte de su esposo.
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