Sentence examples of "himself" in English

Translations: all201 se101 él53 mismo23 other translations24
Tom ate dinner by himself. Tom cenó solo.
Tom is unlikely to come by himself. Es poco probable que Tom venga solo.
Tama sometimes goes for a walk by himself. Tama a veces da un paseo solo.
Tom doesn't intend to go by himself. Tom no pretende ir solo.
Tom decided that he wanted to eat by himself. Tom decidió que quería comer solo.
Tom tried to figure out the answer by himself. Tom trató de averiguar la respuesta por sí solo.
He goes very often to the theater, but always by himself. Va al teatro muy a menudo, pero siempre solo.
I suspect that Tom doesn't do his homework by himself. Sospecho que Tom no hace su tarea por si solo.
Tom didn't have the courage to go there by himself. Tom no tuvo el valor para ir ahí por sí solo.
I met the principal himself. Conocí al director en persona.
Tom couldn't control himself. Tom no supo controlarse.
Tom has to protect himself. Tom tiene que protegerse.
Tom couldn't make himself understood. Tom no podía hacerse entender.
He kept the secret to himself. El guardó el secreto para sí solo.
He could no longer restrain himself. Ya no pudo contenerse.
Tom couldn't make himself heard. Tom no pudo hacerse escuchar.
The boy made a fool of himself. El chico hizo el ridículo.
Tom couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger. Tom no tuvo el coraje de apretar el gatillo.
A correspondent must soon adjust himself to life abroad. Un corresponsal debe adaptarse pronto a vivir en el extranjero.
Tom began living by himself at the age of sixteen. Tom comenzó a vivir por su cuenta a los dieciséis años.
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