Sentence examples of "introduced" in English

Tom introduced Mary to John. Tom le presentó a Mary a John.
When were potatoes introduced into Japan? ¿Cuándo se introdujeron las papas en Japón?
He introduced me to Sue. Él me presentó a Sue.
Coffee was introduced into Europe from Arabia. El café fue introducido a Europa desde Oriente medio.
You should have introduced yourself. Deberías haberte presentado a ti mismo.
This decision changed Nepal’s history for it introduced democracy. Esta decisión cambió la historia de Nepal dado que introdujo la democracia.
He introduced his daughter to me. Él me presentó a su hija.
Of these, Taoism is a native religion, the others having been introduced from foreign lands. De estas, el taoísmo es una religión autóctona, las otras han sido introducidas desde tierras foráneas.
He introduced me to his parents. Él me presentó a sus padres.
She introduced me to her brother. Ella me presentó a su hermano.
He introduced his sister to me. Me ha presentado a su hermana.
She introduced her sister to him. Ella le presentó a su hermana.
Tom regrets having introduced Mary to John. Tom lamenta haberle presentado a Mary a John.
I introduced her to you last week. Te la presenté la semana pasada.
She introduced me to him at the party. Ella me lo presentó con él en la fiesta.
She introduced me to her friends at the party. Me presentó a sus amigos en la fiesta.
The students stood up one by one and introduced themselves. Los estudiantes se levantaron uno por uno y se presentaron.
She introduced her sister to him more than two years ago. Ella le presentó a su hermana hace más de dos años.
I remember being introduced to him at a party last year. Recuerdo que me lo presentaron en una fiesta el año pasado.
The president of the company, to whom I introduced you, wants to see you again. El presidente de la compañía, a quien yo te presente, quiere verte de nuevo.
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