Sentence examples of "keep up with" in English

Tom doesn't even try to keep up with fashion. Tom ni siquiera trata de estar a la moda.
The boy could not keep up with activities in school. El chico no pudo continuar con las actividades en el colegio.
It is very expensive to keep up with the latest fashions. Es muy caro mantenerse al tanto con la moda actual.
It's difficult for our income to keep up with inflation. Es difícil para nuestros ingresos aguantar con la inflacción.
Tom decided to give up trying to keep up with Mary. Tom decidió dejar de intentar mantener el contacto con Mary.
You walk too fast for me to keep up with you. Andas demasiado rápido para que pueda seguir tu ritmo.
He ran too fast for me to keep up with him. Él corría demasiado rápido para yo poder seguirlo.
He walked so fast this I couldn't keep up with him. Él caminaba tan rápido que no pude seguirlo.
You should read the newspapers in order to keep up with the times. Deberías leer los periódicos para estar al día.
I can't keep up with you. Could you dictate a bit slower? No puedo seguirlo, ¿puede dictar más despacio?
You must read the newspaper so that you may keep up with the times. Debes leer el periódico para poder seguir el ritmo de los tiempos.
Read as many newspapers as you can so as to keep up with the times. Lee tantos periódicos como puedas para mantenerte al día.
What guarantee do I have that you'll keep up your end of the bargain? ¿Qué garantía tengo yo de que tú mantendrás tu parte del trato?
Tom ran like crazy to catch up with Mary. Tom corrió como loco para alcanzar a Mary.
We must keep up the family traditions. Debemos mantener las tradiciones familiares.
I caught up with the others. Alcancé a los otros.
Keep up the good work! ¡Prosigue con el buen trabajo!
Tom soon caught up with Mary. Tom pronto alcanzó a Mary.
She managed to keep up appearances. Ella consiguió mantener las apariencias.
I'm fed up with her complaints. Estoy harto de sus quejas.
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