Sentence examples of "make up" in English

We must make up for lost time. Tenemos que recuperar el tiempo perdido.
You can make up for lost time by taking an airplane instead of a train. Puedes recuperar el tiempo perdido cogiendo un avión en vez de un tren.
If I could have a wish, I'd wish I could make up for lost time. Si pudiera pedir un deseo, desearía que pudiera recuperar el tiempo perdido.
You have to make up your mind Tienes que decidirte
Tom just can't make up his mind. Es que Tom no logra decidirse.
We must make up our minds, and that at once. Debemos decidirnos, y de una buena vez.
You must make up your mind, and that at once. Debes determinarte, y de una buena vez.
You have to make up the time you have lost. Tienes que recuperar el tiempo que has perdido.
I have to take a make up test in English next week. Tengo que presentar un examen remedial de Ingles la siguiente semana.
Tom can't make up his mind whether to get a job or to go to college. Tom no logra decidirse entre conseguir un trabajo o ir a la universidad.
She can't make up her mind whether to get a job or to go on to college. Ella no puede elegir entre conseguir un empleo o ir al colegio.
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