Sentence examples of "meaning" in English

It doesn't have any meaning. No significa nada.
What is the meaning of this phrase? ¿Qué quiere decir esta frase?
The meaning of this sentence is ambiguous. El sentido de esta frase es ambiguo.
I thought about the meaning of his painting. Pensé acerca del significado de su pintura.
Her words have a deeper meaning. Sus palabras tienen un significado más profundo.
I've been meaning to drop by and see you, but I've been rather busy this week. Tenía la intención de pasarme a verte, pero he estado bastante ocupado esta semana.
What's the meaning of that? ¿Qué significa esto?
I find it difficult to express my meaning in words. Me resulta difícil expresar en palabras lo que quiero decir.
Life without love has no meaning at all. Una vida sin amor no tiene el mas mínimo sentido.
I've been thinking about the meaning of life. He estado pensando acerca del significado de la vida.
The meaning is unknown to me. Desconozco el significado.
This word has a double meaning. Esta palabra tiene doble significado.
He explained the literal meaning of the sentence. Él explicó el sentido literal de la frase.
Few people know the true meaning. Poca gente sabe el verdadero significado.
What is the meaning of this word? ¿Qué significa esta palabra?
Tatoeba: A life sentence just got a whole new meaning. Tatoeba: la cadena perpetua toma un sentido completamente nuevo.
Her words were wholly void of meaning. Sus palabras carecían totalmente de significado.
The exact meaning of metaphysics is controversial. El significado exacto de la metafísica es controvertido.
I don't get the meaning of all of this. No capto el sentido de todo esto.
I finally penetrated the meaning of the riddle. Por fin comprendí el significado del acertijo.
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