Sentence examples of "might" in English

I said he might go. Dije que él debería ir.
He might have lost his way. Él tal vez se perdió.
Tom fought with all his might. Tom luchó con toda su fortaleza.
You might be late for school. Tal vez llegues tarde a la escuela.
Something might have happened to her. Algo debió haberle pasado a ella.
You might at least say "thank you." Por lo menos deberías decir "gracias".
If you invited him, he might come. Si lo invitaste, a lo mejor venga.
He lifted it up with all his might. Lo levantó con toda su fuerza.
He said he might never see them again. Dijo que posiblemente jamás volvería a verlos.
We were afraid that we might hurt his feelings. Teníamos miedo de herir sus sentimientos.
He pushed the stalled car with all his might. Empujó al auto en pana con toda su fuerza.
I was afraid I might fall asleep while driving. Tenía miedo de dormirme mientras manejaba.
She thought he might be feeling lonely and forgotten. Ella pensaba que posiblemente él se sentía solo y olvidado.
I might as well die as marry such a man. Da igual morir que casarse con tal hombre.
Look as I might, nowhere could find my lost watch. Por mucho que busqué, no encontré mi reloj perdido en ninguna parte.
I might as well die as lead such a life. Yo preferiría morir a llevar una vida así.
He told me that whatever might happen, he was prepared for it. Me dijo que pasara lo que pasase, estaba preparado.
He studied day and night so that he might become a lawyer. Estudió día y noche para llegar a ser abogado.
Had he taken his doctor's advice, he might not have died. Si él hubiera seguido el consejo de su doctor, quizás no habría muerto.
Alice might have been there yesterday, but we didn't see her. Tal vez Alicia estuvo ahí ayer, pero nosotros no la vimos.
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