Sentence examples of "own" in English

He's on his own Está solo
She woke up on her own. Ella se despertó sola.
I'll go on my own. Iré solo.
He is now on his own. Ahora está solo.
I cannot do the work on my own. No puedo hacer el trabajo solo.
I'll find my car on my own. Encontraré yo solo mi auto.
Living on my own, I really miss my mom's cooking. Viviendo solo, realmente extraño la comida de mi mama.
I'd been on my own all week and was starving for conversation. Había estado yo solo toda la semana, y me moría por una conversación.
I appreciate your offer, but I'd like to try to do this on my own. Agradezco su oferta, pero me gustaría intentar hacerlo solo.
Are you on your own? ¿Estás solo?
That is my own affair. Ese es asunto mio.
He studied on his own. Él estudió de forma autodidacta.
Have it your own way Hazlo a tu manera
To each his own passion. Cada uno con su pasión.
Tom took his own life. Tom se quitó la vida.
Tom did his own research. Tom investigó por su cuenta.
Just mind your own business, please. Ocúpate sólo de tus asuntos por favor.
He studied on his own account. Estudió por su cuenta.
Tom did it in his own way. Tom lo hizo a su manera.
A fox smells its own stink first. Piensa el ladrón que todos son de su condición.
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