Sentence examples of "point" in English

That's beside the point Eso no viene al caso
You have a point there. Ahí tienes razón.
There's no point in waiting. No tiene caso esperar.
Her explanation was to the point. Su explicación fue pertinente.
The candidates thoroughly argued the point. Los candidatos debatieron largamente el asunto.
I don't see your point. No te entiendo.
What's the point in doing that? ¿Qué sentido tiene hacer eso?
Stop saying trifles! Focus on the main point. ¡Déjate de zarandajas! Céntrate en lo importante.
Could you just get straight to the point? ¿Podrías ir directamente al grano?
There is no point in giving him advice. No sirve de nada aconsejarle.
I couldn't get the point of his speech. No pude entender el fondo de su discurso.
I didn't get the point of his speech. No pillé cuál era la esencia de su discurso.
I look at it from an aesthetic point of view. Yo lo veo desde una perspectiva estética.
She can not go along with you on this point. Ella no puede tolerar tu posición en esta cuestión.
I'll come straight to the point. You're fired. Iré directo al grano. Estás despedido.
I think there's no point in trying to convince her. Yo pienso que no sirve de nada intentar convencerle.
I think there's no point in trying to convince him. Yo pienso que no sirve de nada intentar convencerle.
No point in threatening me. I'll still tell you nothing. No tiene caso amenazarme. Aún así no te diré nada.
Men must live and create. Live to the point of tears. Los hombres deben vivir y crear. Vivir hasta el borde de las lágrimas.
Please stop beating around the bush and come straight to the point. Ya deja de andar con rodeos y ve al grano.
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