Sentence examples of "so many others" in English

There were many others. Había muchos otros.
I have so many clothes I don't know what to wear tomorrow. Tengo tanta ropa que no sé qué ponerme mañana.
That is why so many people are suffering from famine. Es por esto que mucha gente está sufriendo de hambruna.
I have so many things to tell you that I don't know where to start. Tengo tantas cosas que decirte que no sé por dónde empezar.
There were so many people. Había tanta gente.
After so many visits, we want to rest a little. Después de tantas visitas queremos descansar un poco.
I was worn out because I had to take care of so many children. Estaba agotado porque tuve que cuidar de muchísimos niños.
I know why there are so many people who love chopping wood. Sé porqué hay tanta gente que le encanta partir madera.
I never imagined so many people would come to my party. Nunca imaginé que tanta gente vendría a mi fiesta.
I have so many words in my head, that I feel they wouldn't exhaust even if I'd write to you every day and all my life. Tengo tantas palabras en mi cabeza, que siento que no se agotarían aunque te escribiera todos los días toda la vida.
It wasn't very smart to buy so many tuna cans, since I have no can-opener. No fue muy astuto comprar tantas latas de atún, si no tengo un abrelatas.
I am happy to have so many good friends. Me alegro de tener muchos buenos amigos.
These shelves cannot support so many books. Estos estantes no aguantan tantos libros.
So many men, so many minds. Cuantos hombres, tantos pareceres.
You have given me so many. Me has dado tanto.
After so many dates, they finally kissed. Tras tantas citas, por fin se besaron.
The trouble with the world isn't that people know too little, but they know so many things that ain't so. El problema con el mundo no es que la gente sepa muy poco, sino que saben demasiadas cosas que no son verdad.
I have so many things I don't need. Tengo tantas cosas que no necesito.
There are so many stars in the sky, I can't count them all. Hay tantas estrellas en el cielo que no puedo contarlas todas.
There are so many things to tell you that I don't know where to start. Tengo tantas cosas para decirte que no sé por dónde empezar.
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